Describing the life experiences (both major and minor) of a very precious pupper, from her own perspective.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hiya everydoggie!

Here is an abridged account of post I made on my favoritest dachshund forum a couple days after Mamma brought me home. I thought I'd share it with you doggies:

"Mamma was advised to take me on longer walkies, so today we went to the dog park! It maybe wasn't the best decision she's made yet--it was rather hot out! I forgive her, though, b/c we had fun, and I know she's still learnin'. It was a berry long walk for a li'l doggie like me...about half an hour there, by Mamma's reck'ning. Mamma overestimated how far away the park really was...silly mamma. We saw lots of new houses on the way, and crossed some scawy streets full of those big metal houses on wheels--but I stayed real close to Mamma, cuz she knew exactly when to cross at a safe time! Mama even complemented me b/cuz I was walkin so well, at which I was like--well, of course I know how to walk well! We met new peepol too--some of them I liked better than others--I barked Stay Away at some I didn't like, and Hullo at others.

When we got to the park, a bunch of ladies really admired my pretty coat, but we didn't stay long too long b/c I was thirsty & mamma knew there was water at the doggie part of the park. The park was okay, I guess. Once inside, this white fluff of a guy kept coming to say hello, but I could tell that he wanted to do more than say hi, and I wasn't going to hab any of dat! I was bery tired from all da walkies, and didn't want to explore the park off leash. I just stuck near Mamma. She shared water out of her bottle wif me from her hand, which was bery nice of her, since I didn't wanna drink from da fountain since a big dog was near dere.

We sat on a bench in the shade of a bery nice tree. It was nice dere--she was petting me and letting me sit wif her while I cooled off. She tried to get me to play wif a new ball, but I wasn't innerested den.

Da walkies back were hot, goin into the sun, but didn't seem as long b/cuz I was now familiar wif da territory. The familiarity made me a lil cocky, I admit--I tried to take over our walk, which Mamma didn like. She just didn realize dat I was just excited 'bout knowin da way home! At home, Mamma didn't unnerstand why I wanted to play wif my ball--she thought I ought to have been tired, lik I wuz at the park after the first half of the walk. Silly Mamma--I'll neber be too tired to play fetch! Lader, when the hoo-dad came home, he played ball wif me. It was a great day!"

Teehee! I wasn't as good at spelling bak then as I am now! (Well, I guess I still need more practise.) More about my new homelife laters!


1 comment:

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Hi Lili! It is nice to meet you. We are three dachsies and two of us came from rescue. We think you are beautiful. We look forward to reading more about you.
We haven't made any new entries on our blog in a while but we are going to try to get Mom to help us. We hope you will come visit us sometime.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy