Describing the life experiences (both major and minor) of a very precious pupper, from her own perspective.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

I always enjoy da pics of other puppers op'ning pressies dey get from their fur friends, so I thought I'd share some pictures of me opening a pressie I got awhiles ago from a fur-friend on the dachshund board I bisit wif my mamma, The Doxie Lovers Club.

Is dat for moi? Bring it down here so I can see!

Hmmm, dere are some berry intressting smells coming from dis.
Must investigate further...

Dis is it sumting to chew?

It tis! It is sumting to chew!

(yarm yarm yarm)

Sumting more I can chew--a flossie!

Here I am demonstrating my favoritest way to yarm a flossie.

Thanks again to Tasha & her mom!

(I'm gonna go chew summore now...)

Btw, thank you eberrybody for 'minding me dat dere is nuffink wrong wif da desire to unstuff da stuffies--you are all right, stuffies were made for da unstuffing, and dey needs our help. So go out now, and unstuff those stuffies with pride! I'll certainly hold no more regrets now!


Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

We like your "Lili" blanket with the paw print. Did that come in the box too? You sure are lucky to get such nice things in a package. We get packages from our friends too!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Lili said...

Yes, da blankie was in the package too. I really lub that blankie--I keep it in my hangout crate in da living room!

The Zoo Crew said...

Hi Lili! I have tagged you.....stop by my blog to check it out!!

Peace + Paws,


The Brat Pack said...

What a cute blanket!
