I've been tagged! My first one ever :)
Kai, of the
Zoo Crew, tagged me to list seven things previously unknown about myself.
1. I really like to bark at all the noises I hear outside, but Mamma & the hoo-dad have been training me not to bark too much because we live in an apartment complex and don't want to annoy the neighbors. But sometimes when I'm sleeping next to my mamma, I have really good dreams where I can bark at whatever I want to--but my barks come out as low woofs & wuffles, so it's okay--plus, Mamma thinks it's cute :)
2. Speaking of noises, I may be a spry young pupper of a year and a half, but I can grump with the best of 'em. If I'm sleeping alongside my mamma and she shifts me around at all, sometimes I will groan and grumble at the treatment (a lot--teehee!). Statler and Waldorf would be proud, dontcha think?
3. I like dressing up and being girly--sometimes I'll run to the special drawer where Mamma keeps the stuff that's only for ME and she'll get out this pretty kerchief with sparkly pink flowers on it that I can wear around the house.
4. I got the kerchief by winning a photo contest held by one of the members of the Dachshund Lovers Club Forum. The contest was for Best Stinkeye. Here is the picture I used:
Betcha didn't think I had that kind of stinkeye in me, huh?
5. Someday, when my mamma & the hoo-dad have more time on their hands, I'd like to get involved in agility or flyball--I'm a very athletic little doggy and I catch onto things pretty quickly, so Mamma & I think it would be very fun activity to do together.
6. I don't eat people food at all. My diet consists strictly of my special food and doggy treats, and Mamma sez it's gonna stay that way. I must not have gotten any peepol food before I came to live wif Mamma and the hoo-dad, either, because I don't show any interest in what they eat, 'cept the occasional sniff in the direction of their plates. Besides, I know very well that the food I get is special for ME--it fulfills all my nutritional needs and is berry berry yummy. AA-aand, this way I get to keep my svelte figure (it's especially important for us dachsies to stay slim and trim, becuz excess weight can endanger our extra-long spines).
7. I didn't burrow under blankets or covers when I first came to live with my mamma & the hoo-dad--I didn't know that it was something that most dachsies love to do (see, it's supposed to be part of the badger-dog instinct). Mamma has been working with me on it, however, and I'm slowly learning the joys of being snuggly warm under the covers :)
I guess I'm supposed to tag other puppers, but I don't know who hasn't done this one. Let's just say, if you read this & want to play along, please do!